MAJOR NEWS: In November 2022, as part of the wonderful ROGAN PRODUCTIONS team, Keith won an INTERNATIONAL EMMY, and ROSE d' OR, award for the OFFICIAL documentary, FREDDIE MERCURY: THE FINAL ACT, so proud...

BREAKING NEWS! 05/02/20 - Marilyn TV drama series, based on Keith's definitive biography, The Final Years, major new development, Seven Seas Films (in the UK) have teamed up with 101 Studios in Los Angeles... The production will be the very first to be endorsed by the Marilyn Monroe Estate... More news soon, Watch this space!!...

Monday 18 February 2013

January 2013 - Happy New Year everyone!

(29) America – Marilyn paperback version imminent! It’s announced that the softback edition of Marilyn Monroe: The Final Years will be released in the States by St. Martin's Griffin on December 10 this year.

(26) Berkshire – Never one to turn down a truly delightful, freshly-prepared fare, Keith once more had the opportunity to sample the exquisite cooking of John Barratt, a good friend and easily one of the South’s finest chefs. Non-stop chat accompanied the enchanting dinner. (Thanks, John. I enjoyed it!)

(24) Italy – There’s life in Marilyn yet! Six months after its Kindle release, Keith’s book on the actress, Gli ultimi giorni di Marilyn Monroe: Le relazioni pericolose, le trappole, il presunto suicidio: tutta la verità sulla fine climbed back to the lofty No.5 position in the ‘Bestseller in Cinema e televisione’ section on Amazon Italy today.

(22) Berkshire – With David Bowie set to release his first studio in 10 years, Keith hurriedly wrote and compiled a new Rockin’ The Box piece for Record Collector magazine, focusing on his January 1973 appearance on LWT/ ITV’s Russell Harty Plus.

(18) Berkshire – Further archive consultancy work on the forthcoming documentary, Good Ol' Freda (website a film about Freda Kelly, The Beatles’ famous Fan Club Secretary. It has already been selected as a headliner film at the prestigious 'South by Southwest Film Festival' in Austin, Texas. (The world premiere is scheduled to take place on March 9 this year.)

(17) Berkshire – It took a while but, he did it, Keith finally posted on Twitter. You can follow him, if you wish, on @KeithBadman1 – see you there!

(16) Berkshire – Record Collector deadline day, and Keith prepared another piece for his monthly, Rockin’ The Box column. This time, DJ, Mike Read’s first UK TV pop series, and it wasn’t Pop Quiz, as many would guess, but Yorkshire ITV’s Pop Quest from 1978.

(10) London – another trip to the City where the seeds of an exciting new media-related project for 2013 was planted. Watch this space!

(4) Bloomsbury, Central London – another, highly productive, lunchtime meeting with Brent Kubasta, host of the weekly archive music radio show, Magic Transistor Radio, on the Rollins station, WPRK, Florida. The delightful curries, brisk conversation, and fine drink flowed pretty freely throughout their 6-hour meet. (“Good seeing you, Brent!”)

(3) Happy New Year everyone – 2013 kicked-off in fine style when the book charts on Amazon in Italy revealed Gli ultimi giorni di Marilyn Monroe: Le relazioni pericolose, le trappole, il presunto suicidio: tutta la verità sulla fine had risen to the No.3 spot in the ‘Bestsellers Cinema e Television’ section on the site.