MAJOR NEWS: In November 2022, as part of the wonderful ROGAN PRODUCTIONS team, Keith won an INTERNATIONAL EMMY, and ROSE d' OR, award for the OFFICIAL documentary, FREDDIE MERCURY: THE FINAL ACT, so proud...

BREAKING NEWS! 05/02/20 - Marilyn TV drama series, based on Keith's definitive biography, The Final Years, major new development, Seven Seas Films (in the UK) have teamed up with 101 Studios in Los Angeles... The production will be the very first to be endorsed by the Marilyn Monroe Estate... More news soon, Watch this space!!...

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

June 2016 "Marilyn, Stones... and Lennon's jukebox"

(29/30) Leafy Berkshire – Record Collector/ Rockin’ The Box time again. This month, the most fascinating, 2004 South Bank Show / ITV special focusing on John Lennon’s Jukebox.

- Interesting fact for today. If all goes to plan, our Mr. Badman will be involved in the release of 3 books and 1 documentary film in 2016. As a friend of his remarked, “It’ll be a lean year for him.” Ha!

(28) Leafy Berkshire – Even more research / typing on the new Stones Circus ’68 book.

(27) UK – Ten days on, and stocks of the Marilyn paperback were, once more, depleted on

- Thanks to “darlingevie” for her 5-out-of-5 review of Marilyn on the site… “good book,” she said. “interesting read about the beautiful marilyn, well worth a read.” Thank you, “darlingevie.”

- Text-heavy day, once more devoted to the new, hopefully definitive Pledge Circus ’68 book.

(24) Windsor, Berkshire - 1:30pm meet with Mike Randolph to discuss the latest of the Circus ’68 project. After which (after avoiding a torrential downpour) Keith had an almighty catch-up with his old, long-time friend, the singer-vocalist-bass player, Daniel J.

(20) Leafy Berkshire – Back to the laptop… Another frantic day of typing on the new Circus ’68 project.

(17) UK – Incredible, but true. Stocks of the paperback version of Marilyn were once more depleted on

(16) Leafy Berkshire – Exciting discussions about the proposed Marilyn movie / TV drama took place between Keith and Yasmine, his new TV/ Film Agent at the well-respected, London-based, top entertainment agency, United Agents.

(9) Shepherd’s Bush, London – Following a most touching, enlightening encounter with a lady who came to his rescue at Paddington Station, Keith attended a Thursday lunch-time meet with producer, Simon Lupton. Top of the agenda; the movie adaptation of Keith’s book.