(29/30) Leafy Berkshire – Record Collector/ Rockin’ The Box time again. This month, the most fascinating, 2004 South Bank Show / ITV special focusing on John Lennon’s Jukebox.
- Interesting fact for today. If all goes to plan, our Mr. Badman will be involved in the release of 3 books and 1 documentary film in 2016. As a friend of his remarked, “It’ll be a lean year for him.” Ha!
(28) Leafy Berkshire – Even more research / typing on the new Stones Circus ’68 book.
(27) UK – Ten days on, and stocks of the Marilyn paperback were, once more, depleted on Amazon.co.uk.
- Thanks to “darlingevie” for her 5-out-of-5 review of Marilyn on the site… “good book,” she said. “interesting read about the beautiful marilyn, well worth a read.” Thank you, “darlingevie.”
- Text-heavy day, once more devoted to the new, hopefully definitive Pledge Circus ’68 book.
(24) Windsor, Berkshire - 1:30pm meet with Mike Randolph to discuss the latest of the Circus ’68 project. After which (after avoiding a torrential downpour) Keith had an almighty catch-up with his old, long-time friend, the singer-vocalist-bass player, Daniel J.
(20) Leafy Berkshire – Back to the laptop… Another frantic day of typing on the new Circus ’68 project.
(17) UK – Incredible, but true. Stocks of the paperback version of Marilyn were once more depleted on Amazon.co.uk.
(16) Leafy Berkshire – Exciting discussions about the proposed Marilyn movie / TV drama took place between Keith and Yasmine, his new TV/ Film Agent at the well-respected, London-based, top entertainment agency, United Agents.
(9) Shepherd’s Bush, London – Following a most touching, enlightening encounter with a lady who came to his rescue at Paddington Station, Keith attended a Thursday lunch-time meet with producer, Simon Lupton. Top of the agenda; the movie adaptation of Keith’s book.